December 2013 proved to be the best year for Dolls for Daughters® in the history of the organization.Despite freezing temperature on Saturday, December 7, 2013 more than 400 families were in line at 7am to shop at our 4th Annual Dolls for Daughters® and Toys for Boys® Toy Shop. These families were there for the opportunity to shop for their children and select at least one new toy, stocking, stocking stuffer, book and a toothbrush kit. The first 900 children were also given a stuffed animal to take home. Our partnership with The Denver Show Crew allowed more than 200 children to have a new pair of shoes, serving mostly the teenage population.
Some children attended this event with their families. At the end of the day we provided 30,291 items to 3,150 children in one day and provide more than 20,000 pounds of food through our partnership with Food Bank of the Rockies. We were blessed to have more than 250 supportive volunteers.
In addition to our toy shop, our program provided an additional 1,050 children with toys this holiday season. We supported an additional 11 nonprofits from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, including organizations in the metro area. We expanded to Weld County through our new partnership with Rocky Mountain Community Properties.
We are thankful for all of our volunteers, donors and sponsors for their help making 2013 our best year!