“Margaret Mead once said “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have.” According to Lindsay Dolce, in her time working in the nonprofit sector, this lesson has repeated itself again and again.
Lindsay is with Serve Colorado, which is the Governor’s Commission on Community Service. This group strives to extend services and resources across Colorado by partnering with organizations it thinks fit its goal of serving our Colorado community. Dolls for Daughters® is mostly certainly one of these, and as Lindsay says, “The heart and soul of Dolls for Daughters® is Jessica and it is so clear that she genuinely cares about the people with whom she works.”
Lindsay states that Dolls for Daughters® values that every child, regardless of their financial situation, is important. The belief that each one of these children deserves to feel loved and valued, especially at the holidays, is one that Lindsay absolutely agrees with and is her motivation for aligning herself with the Dolls for Daughters® mission.
Though she had known of Jessica and Dolls for Daughters® beforehand, it wasn’t until she volunteered and saw the organization in action that she truly understood the depth of … that Dolls for Daughters® provides to the community. While volunteering at the annual Toy Shop, Lindsay was able to experience just how moved and grateful the families were when they were able to give their child a toy for Christmas. For nearly 6 hours families filed through line, each with their own story and thank you, for the opportunity to give their child a Christmas gift. For Lindsay, this experience made her realize that “truly, I have never been so humbled to be a part of something that meant so much too so many in such a short window of time.”
Her experience with the Toy Shop cemented her bond with Dolls for Daughters® as well. She will support this organization for years to come because “the thought behind every aspect of what Dolls for Daughters® does in the community clearly proves an interest in making a sustainable change in the lives of children and families.”
With so many organizations doing great things in our community, it is so uplifting to see that many of Colorado’s less fortunate are gaining access to resources that they did not have before. By simply supporting these organizations and donating our time, we can grow those few caring people who are willing to change the world, into masses. Strong communities with organizations like Dolls for Daughters® enrich all us all, rich or poor. “We all gain strength and support from our community,” says Lindsay, “but if we don’t give back to that community, at some point the community no longer exists.” Her advice to readers, “Be civically engaged some way, no matter how small, and find opportunities to witness the generous spirit of others regularly.”
Volunteers are a critical part of our organization. Volunteers help us with a variety of events, activities and behind the scenes. Some of our volunteers help once a year and some volunteers help all year long, any time we need them.