Every month, we at Kenzi’s Causes like to take a moment to express our thanks to our amazing volunteers who donate their time to bring necessary services and smiles to our kids and families. This month, we are celebrating the incredible Noah Reynolds!
Noah’s father was his introduction to Kenzi’s Causes. Growing up, his dad would take Noah to events for our kids and families such as the Toys for Boys and Dolls for Daughters donation drives. Noah remembers the feeling of connecting with people and seeing the impact that these events had on those attending. Through these experiences, he learned the relative ease, impact, and enrichment of donating one’s time on behalf of others.
Noah writes: “I believe that it shouldn’t take much to help those around you, and Kenzi’s Causes has been a great and easy way to help those in need…. It’s not that hard to help, just take five minutes and look up service ideas online or at JustServe.com.”
Noah highlights that donating one’s time is always a sacrifice, but it is one that usually “pays off” for all involved.
Still, we do not take this sacrifice for granted! We are immensely grateful for Noah and our other volunteers’ commitment to serving our kids and families; we couldn’t do it without you!