This past holiday season, we received the gift of a new partner in California Pizza Kitchen. As a result of Jessica Bachus’ presentation, CPK saw a perfect opportunity to support Dolls for Daughters® and we are thrilled to have them as part of our growing team of support. We recently sat down with Diana Rowe Crawley, Community Brand Ambassador, who was gracious enough to answer our questions.
1. How did you first learn about Dolls for Daughters®?
It was at the Cherry Creek Chamber event at Enstrom’s in November 2013
2. Why did you decide to offer support to Dolls for Daughters®?
During the Chamber event, Jessica presented more information on the program and we thought it would be a perfect partnership with our family-friendly CPK restaurants, especially during the holidays.
3. How long has your business supported Dolls for Daughters®? If you are willing to share, in what ways have you supported DfD and why did you choose to support us in that/those ways?
Our first partnership was in November/December 2013. Three CPK locations (Cherry Creek, Boulder & Colorado Mills) were official drop-off locations for the toy drive. Then CPK Cherry Creek volunteered to feed the volunteers on the day of the event.
4. What is your most memorable experience supporting Dolls for Daughters®?
When we delivered the 75 pizzas to the school gym, I had no idea how big of a volunteer operation this was – as in the volume of toys and the number of families who needed assistance! It was so moving and encouraging to see the truly thoughtful and caring people who volunteered their time. One story that stands out is when I walked in with the pizzas, it was lunch time, and the gym was being cleared so the volunteers could have lunch—except for one young mother and her two children, a toddler and a baby (9 months or so) wrapped in a blanket. Jessica and her volunteers wouldn’t send the family out into the cold (record-breaking cold, I might add) because the kids did not have shoes! So sad, but definitely made me realize how important the event was to the disadvantaged families of Denver.
5. Have you participated in any fundraising events that Dolls for Daughters® has held? If so, please tell us about at least one experience. Based on that experience, would you do it again?
Not yet, but we’d love to host a dine-out/fundraiser at CPK. All that is needed is for Dolls for Daughters® to pick a date and promote a dine-out day to their supporters, and CPK will donate 20% of those guest checks to the organization (upon verification of nonprofit status).
6. Have you or your staff volunteered at the Dolls for Daughters® and Toys for Boys® Toy Shop? If so, please tell us about your experience? Would you do it again and/or ask others to get involved?
Not yet.
7. With so many organizations in need of support, what suggestions or advice do you have for other organizations? How might they choose an organization as well as decide the way(s) in which they will help?
Pick an organization that tweaks your heart. Pick an organization that resonates with you and all your staff. When you AND your staff believe in a cause, everyone gets behind it and promotes it!