Happy 7th Birthday my sweet girl. Another year and another letter. It hardly seems possible that you have been gone for seven years. There is so much missing in our lives, our photos, our memories. You are missing from every family photo, you are missing from every family trip, your photos from year to year do not line my bookshelves like Bailey, Kamden and Karson. However the one thing that is NOT missing is how much goodness you have brought to this world.
After seven years, it has not gotten easier to write this letter or to live my life without you but my heart is full of love and joy because of the difference YOU are making without even being here. I could never have imagined that YOU would inspire me and so many others to make a difference in the lives of children in Colorado each year. Because of YOU and your impact on me, the lives of 4,200 children were changed this past holiday season. What a gift.
I may not be able to see the smile on your face each Christmas but I am truly blessed to see the smiles on the faces of the parents and children that come to our toy shop. I may not get a hug from you in this lifetime but I am lucky enough to get hugs from the parents and children we are helping because of YOU. These smiles and these hugs keep me going when sometimes I just want to break down because all I truly want is a smile and a hug from YOU.
Your birthday has to be the hardest day each year. A day that I do not know when the tears will come and when they will go. A day that your sister and brothers are picking out what color balloon to send to you instead of a birthday gift. A day that we celebrate you at mass, not at a birthday party. However this year will be different. This year we will celebrate YOU and all YOU have done with our book launch, a cake and a celebration of how one person, YOU, can make a difference.
Kenzi, thank YOU for allowing me to be your Mommy. Thank YOU for giving me the strength, courage and passion to continue to honor you and love you the best way I know how. I hope that by your 10th birthday celebrating YOU and all that has come because of YOU will be Kenzi’s House.
I love YOU! Happy Birthday my angel.